In this installment, we have the privilege of delving into the extraordinary life journey of Mariam Koslay, a former journalist, community advocate, and creative based in Melbourne. Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring tale as Mariam takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, recounting her growth in Australia and her transformative trip to her motherland, Ethiopia.
Prepare to be moved as Mariam shares her personal experiences and challenges, painting a vivid picture of her life in Australia and the impact it had on her identity. But just when you think you have the story figured out, everything takes an unexpected turn for the better when Mariam embarks on a life-changing adventure to Ethiopia.
Tune in now to witness the incredible story of Mariam Koslay and how her trip to Ethiopia changed her life forever. Get ready to be inspired, enlightened, and motivated to embark on your own personal journey of self-discovery.