Felix’s moral conscience begins to hinder the show’s success. Despite being discouraged by the show’s producer, Felix’s attempt at therapy and self improvement leads him to realise the damage he had caused in the lives of others.
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The Good Evening Show – Season 1, Episode 1
Local artist Mazzy Shakespeare, a talentless and delusional musician is featured as a guest on the Good Evening Show hosted by Felix and Fiona. The terrible singing, uncomfortable conversations and hostility has left the news anchors of the show dreading their life decisions.
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Fiona shakes it up in the studio by booking two guests from rival political organisations in order to gain more attention. They are activists from opposing sides both claiming Canberra as their territory, leaving both Felix and Fiona questioning their career decisions.
View episodeThe Good Evening Show – Season 1, Episode 3
Both news anchors are high on the thrill of going viral and don’t plan to stop anytime soon, even if it hurts those close to them. Both Fiona and Felix experience joy for the first time in a long time as their show gains traction and viewership.
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