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Retro Mania

For the final episode of RetroTV, we jump back in time to revisit some of the less prolific trends of the past, and cover one’s we have missed. Afterall, it’s important that a show about all things retro covers everything in due time. Join Jake Saunders for one last time, as we drive, skate and spin our way back to retro.

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Retro Photography

As digital cameras took over, it soon became apparent that the days of film cameras were numbered – or so it seemed. Join Jake Saunders as we take a look at analogue photography, a medium that is alive and thriving in the modern world!

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Retro Food

It’s time to dive into the kitchen and uncover the recipes of old, for retro food is here to stay! From the classic american style diner, to a delicious quiche lorraine, join Jake Saunders as we salivate over the recipes of old that still are alive today!

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Retro Fashion

With the 80’s back in fashion, it isn’t a surprise to see the threads of the past being rocked by people on the streets! Join Jake Saunders as we unknit the tangled string of fashion, and discover why the leather jacket and scrunchies are back in style!

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CTV+ acknowledges the First Nations peoples of Australia, whose connection to country and living cultures began in time immemorial and helped shape our understanding of this land. We recognise sovereignty has never been ceded and affirm our commitment to advancing reconciliation.